Hearing Around Corners

Experiments in Topology by Stephen Barr, a book I found in a second-hand bookstore last week. Math with paper and scissors!

As you no doubt have guessed, I’ve been traveling for the holidays, so family time has taken precedence over writing. However, I acquired a new fun topology book for more math-related paper projects, so expect a post on that subject soon. (The earlier posts are here and here.) In fact, I may get the whole family involved making some mathematical shapes, since many of them are better with scissors than I am. (I’m only allowed the blunt kind, after all.)

In the meantime, I have a new post over a Double X Science: Why Can You Hear Around Corners, But Not See? On the way to the answer, there are elephants. Who doesn’t like elephants?

One response to “Hearing Around Corners”

  1. […] I mentioned the other day, I recently acquired a neat little book called Experiments in Topology by Stephen Barr, dating from 1964, though you can get a paperback […]